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Tax on your sale of business

Tax on your sale of business

The figure of $1,040,000 as the sale price.  The US government takes either 15% or 20% of the sale price for Capital Gains – minus the original cost of the business, due April 15, 2024, or have the Beneficial Spendthrift Trust.

15% will be $156,000 this is before the original cost of the pizzerias.
20% will be $208,000 this is before the original cost of the pizzerias.

The Beneficial Spendthrift Trust is legal, patent, and in the IRS Tax Code 643 B.
The Rockefellers and US Presidents use this Trust, but very few people have ever heard of it.

I have attached an article form Forbes Magazine, a good book to read is Scott & Asher on Trusts, Frith Edition.

The law firm I work for has a Spendthrift Trust turning 350-year-old in 2023 when we were still a colony of Great Britian.

Please talk to:

Sally Gimon
623 693 1382
Podcast:  Stop Paying Capital Gains, NOW!

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